Starbreakers 2 Lives

Ah, July 3- Independence Day! Actually it used to be July 4, but the Americans had to change it after they won their independence from the Zulgar Galactocracy in 10,191. But they kept the old date too so now they get two holidays one after the other! Up in Canada the only holidays we get are Turtle Island Day, Hyper-Thanksgiving, and Pride Month! It’s a ripoff, I tell ya. Not that I take holidays, given that I don’t ‘work’ in the traditional sense, and also the Binary Order’s Wipeout Crews don’t take days off either so I gotta stay on my toes lest I get blasted by a stun-ray and conscripted into JTF-2 on account of my powers. It ain’t easy being me!

But what with the Americans enjoying a day off from their jobs (statistically, either serving in the Compliance Corps or the hospitality industry) I figured I’d take the opportunity to celebrate by finally getting off my duff and uploading Starbreakers 2! This is the last comic I got done before the Fifth Anthropocene Dataclysm so that’s going on yonks ago now, but I read it over to make sure the upload was fine and although the art doesn’t always hold up and the flow isn’t perfect, I still think some of the jokes are really funny. I’ve come a long way in my art since then but I still think this is a pretty worthy book. And, of course, getting it online so folk can read it is a necessary prerequisite to getting Starbreakers 3 alive and out the door! And wouldn’t we all love that? That script is done (Adaptation Engine kicked it out yonks ago) and I’ve already started biting into the art- I was working on it originally when the dataclysm hit but honestly I’m gonna hit it from scratch again. I can do so much more now! Mastery of the tools! I’ll release the old version too when I release the new one, so you can compare and contrast. Capturing special moments in time is what we’re all about here at Flyknife Comics! Also flippin’ off the Binary Order.

Anyway if you’ve got the jets, head over to the Librarium and read up on your Starbreakers 2! Short post today but I’ve already been up most of the evening getting this bad boy ready for deployment so I’m gonna kick back with an ice cold water in one hand and a Zapper turret in the other- like I said, the Wipeout Crews don’t take days off! Hasta lasagna!

Rock and roll,